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Are you suffering from frequent sore throat or asthma? The solution lies in the pine needle honey syrup


Pine needles honey syrup  

If you look into your grandmother’s old notebook, you will surely find records of natural remedies. Our grandmothers diligently wrote down every prescription they would receive or inherit, because in the past medicinal products were not available as they are today.

We are sure that among the collected recipes, one of the most important was the prescription for a remedy that alleviates respiratory problems and the accompanying unpleasant symptoms that have plagued many in the past.

The colder days are in front us; it is the right time to gather useful information. The airways are most at risk during the cold days, so we recommend to take pine needles preparations combined with the natural honey to fight viruses and bacteria.


The healing properties of pine needles

Pine needles are interesting because they contain high level of vitamin C. Namely, some types of pine needles are known to contain more vitamin C than six lemons! That is why it is wise to use pine needle products to prevent, but also to treat cold and flu.

For respiratory problems, it is especially advisable to consume pine needle syrup as it stimulates expectoration and expulsion of respiratory secretions, especially for sore throat, chronic cough, bronchitis, cold and respiratory infections.

If you have problems with asthma, you should know that pine needles also alleviate asthma symptoms.

When it comes to the healing properties of pine needles, Vitamin C can be associated with another famous vitamin, vitamin A. Pine needles contain high concentrations of vitamin A and carotenoids, which act as antioxidants. This means that they have a beneficial effect on the health of eyes, that is, they prevent the appearance of cataracts and macular degeneration, which is why we especially recommend them to the elderly people because of their frequent vision problems.

We will remind you that Vitamin A from pine needles has a beneficial effect on skin health. Its antioxidant properties destroy harmful free radicals and accelerate the regeneration of skin cells. By using pine needle products, you can help heal acne scars and slow down wrinkles.


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Pine needle syrup is best combined with honey

OK, so far we’ve learned quite a lot about the healing properties of pine needle syrup, but what does pine needle syrup have to do with natural honey? It certainly does and it is confirmed by the fact that honey pine needle syrup is one of our best selling products!

We already know that honey is one of the healthiest natural remedies Mother Nature could give us, and in combination with pine needles, it is fatal for all unwanted viruses and bacteria. Since honey itself is naturally sweet, it will alleviate the slightly bitter taste of pine needles. Honey pine needle syrup is suitable for the youngest, except for babies younger than 12 months.

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Homemade syrup made from green young pine buds and honey and propolis

How to dose the syrup correctly?

We recommend you to dissolve two to three teaspoons a day in your mouth or mix into a warm tea. Be sure not to use a hot tea, because it is known that in hot tea (above 40 ° C), most essential oils will lose its healing characteristics, and we believe this is not your intention.

Of course, the benefits of pine needle honey syrup, that we have mentioned today, are not the only ones. If you would like to know more about other benefits that syrup has to offer, feel free to contact us.

Or better yet, look for pine needle syrup at our web shop and ascertain its healing properties by consuming it. We guarantee that you will finally enjoy the beauty of winter without the annoying problems associated with your respiratory system.


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Pine needles honey syrup 100 ml

7,70  VAT incl.

Package: 125 ml
Are you suffering from frequent sore throat or asthma? The solution lies in the pine needle honey syrup   Pine needles honey syrup   If you look into your grandmother’s old notebook, you will surely find records of natural remedies. Our grandmothers diligently wrote down every prescription they would receive or inherit, because in the […]
Pine needles honey syrup 100 ml

Način čuvanja: Čuvati na suhom I tamnom mjestu. Van dohvata sunčeve svjetlosti I izvora topline, a nakon otvaranja u hladnjaku.

Pine needles honey syrup 100 ml

Primjena: Uzimaju se 2-3 žličice na dan na način da ga otopimo u ustima ili dodamo umjesto meda u mlaki čaj. Za povećanje apetita kod djece uzimati 1 malu žličicu prije jela. Smiju ga koristiti djeca iznad godine dana starosti.

Pine needles honey syrup 100 ml

Sastav: Sirup je napravljen od mladih izdanaka borovih iglica, bagremovog meda. šećera I tinkture propolisa. Ne sadrži konzervanse pa ga je potrebno držati u hladnjaku.
Sastojci bagremov med 60%, otopina borovih iglica 35%, propolis 4%, limunov sok 1%

Pine needles honey syrup 100 ml

Proizvodi i puni: Pčelarstvo Veber, Kvarnerska 17, 35000, Slav.Brod, Hrvatska
Zemlja podrijetla R.Hrvatska
Najbolje upotrijebiti do Otisnuto na proizvodu
Neto količina 125 ml

Pine needles honey syrup 100 ml

Napomena:Trudnice ne smiju koristiti proizvode od borovih iglica ili drugih zimzelenih biljaka jer određeni aktivni sastojci u njima im mogu naštetiti.

Svi tekstovi i članci su pisani u dobroj namjeri i kao neobavezni savjeti temeljeni na iskustvima i literaturi i kao takvi ne predstavljaju zdravstvene tvrdnje. Proizvod koristite na vlastitu odgovornost. Ukoliko koristite lijekove posavjetujte se sa liječnikom. O svim možebitnim pitanjima tražite savjet od stručne osobe, liječnika ili lijekarnika.